Monday, November 12, 2007

SONIC the Hedgehog

I have finally gotten to play SONIC the Hedgehog for the Xbox 360... I bought it when it came out, but I didn't get a Xbox 360 until a few weeks ago.. I feel sooo much better having played it... I actualy enjoy the game quite a lot despite media opinions. I have to say that Sonic's gameplay should have been a little more fluid and unglitchy. I enjoy Silver soo much! they made blaze and Shadow decent too. I haven't played Shadow the Hedgehog's episode yet... Anyways I'm ranting now, so I better go. btw my gamertag is sonicemerald if any of you care.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy 16th Birthday Sonic

Welcome to the all new (and some old) version of All About Sonic released to honor Sonic's 16th Birthday. Well as you can see it's not completely ready. but I decided to put it up as a special birthday present for Sonic!